
Frequently Ask Questions

Can you help us with the student’s application process?

Yes, we work closely with majority of the international schools and universities, and we provide comprehensive support and assist international students with their application process.
For more information, please click www.overseaslivingpenang.com/inquiry.php.

Is there anything in particular that I have to take note of when interacting with Muslims?

The followings are the things you should take note of when interacting with Muslims.
  • Do not pat a child’s head.
  • Muslims are strictly prohibited from consuming or touching pork and alcohol.
  • Do not point a finger at people or things with your index finger.
  • Make sure to use your right hand when you shake hands or accept a gift from Muslims.
  • Is there any special benefits for children of mm2h visa holders to study in Malaysia? (Such as longer visa, tuition fee, etc.)

    Yes, some international schools or universities offer special rebate to students with MM2H visas.

    Do students need study visa to study in Malaysia?

    Yes, all students need to obtain student pass in order to study in Malaysia. To apply, please click www.overseaslivingpenang.com/inquiry.php.

    Will I be able to communicate with the locals in English? Are there any Western TV programs broadcasted on TV?

    Yes, as Malaysia is a multiracial country, majority of Malaysians are proficient in English. Some local channels will occasionally broadcast English movies, but most foreigners prefer to subscribe to ASTRO satellite television which gives you an easy access to channels like HBO, FOX, BBC and etc.

    Will I be able to withdraw my fixed deposit which is tagged lien under MM2H?

    You are allowed to withdraw part of your fixed deposit ONLY after 1 year from the date of MM2H visa endorsement for certain purposes such as property, medical and education. It is mandatory to maintain the balance sum (or remaining balance) of minimum RM150,000 (for aged below 50) or RM100,000 (for aged above 50) in your bank account as long as your MM2H visa is still active.

    Will I be able to drive a car in Malaysia?

    For tourists who wish to drive in Malaysia, you need to have an International Driving License issued from your own country. Malaysia is right-handed driving, and please remember to fasten seat belt & mobile phone is not allowed while driving.

    I do not have any working permit or MM2H visa. Can I purchase properties in Malaysia?

    Yes, foreigners are allowed to purchase properties in Malaysia with or without visa.

    If I purchased a property under MM2H, and I rented it out, is my rental income subject to tax?

    Yes, rental income is subjected to income tax.

    Can foreigners aged below 50 years old apply for MM2H visa?

    Yes, foreigners below age 50 are welcomed to apply MM2H visa, as long as they can fulfil the requirements. To apply, please click www.overseaslivingpenang.com/inquiry.php.